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A QA Initiative for a Car Infotainment System

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A QA Initiative for a Car Infotainment System

About the client

Andersen's customer, in this business case, was a company developing complex software systems, enabling seamless communication, data processing, and information exchange both within and from vehicles. In this capacity, they are a trusted partner of Europe's leading car manufacturers. In order to test one of their innovative offerings – a car infotainment system – they needed a provider of dependable software QA services. Andersen was chosen as such.

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About the project

Andersen was entrusted with a QA project of great importance to the customer, as our efforts were directed at making sure that their innovative infotainment offering matched the highest possible standards of both safety and convenience.

Duration12 months


CAN, Ethernet, IoT, Polarion, Perforce, Jenkins

Business Context

From satellite navigation systems to advanced smart driver assistance solutions, contemporary technologies can now empower the recording of vital vehicle information, its dissemination to the driver, and integration with web services. The impetus behind this progress lies with the consumer, propelling enhanced connectivity among individual components. Modern infotainment management extends beyond merely displaying pertinent vehicle data. A comprehensive human-machine dialogue facilitates a seamless exchange of information between humans, vehicles, and the external environment. However, to capitalize on these new opportunities and build car software that would match all the criteria in a heavily regulated industry, where the price of a potential mistake is enormous, one is also supposed to cover such solutions with thorough QA rounds.


In an increasingly intricate world, the constant objective is to streamline information management in cars, unlocking possibilities for novel vehicle functionalities like autonomous driving and the seamless integration of mobile devices. Andersen was assigned with the responsibility of validating the customer's technological advancements in this domain by implementing this infotainment system testing initiative.

App functionality

Andersen's QA Embedded specialists took on the responsibility for infotainment testing across such areas as:

  • Navigation;
  • Telephony;
  • Radio and entertainment;
  • Climate control and tire pressure monitoring;
  • And more.


Andersen's office-based automotive laboratory, operating and run in accordance with the TISAX standards and requirements, received car infotainment hardware for testing, during which our QA engineers conducted a comprehensive series of assessments. They included software downloads, smoke tests, integration tests, and evaluations of various other features. All these aspects were conveniently accessed through a unified user interface in a central control unit. While some tests were automated via Jenkins, others necessitated manual execution. Test-related data was systematically organized via the Polarion tool, and version control was meticulously managed via Perforce.

Project results

As for the results of our collaboration, our assigned specialists are currently fully integrated with the customer's in-house team and are responsible for testing builds across a range of specific car hardware devices.

We cover all steps of the testing life cycle and provide fully tested builds in accordance with the SLA agreed for the customer. The scope of work and the range of testing devices continuously expands, while our team's members obtain and share a constantly growing body of expertise, bringing business value to the customer.

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An expert contacts you after having analyzed your requirements;

If needed, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level;

We submit a comprehensive project proposal with estimates, timelines, CVs, etc.

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