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An App for Thorough Reviews of Digital Assets

Development and Testing
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An App for Thorough Reviews of Digital Assets

About the company

Andersen's customer, in this business case, is a US-based imaging and production studio. Their professional scope covers CGI, VFX, AR, VR, and more. As such, they work for their end clients by creating advanced, high-quality imagery of all kinds.

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Business Context

Andersen was approached as an IT vendor capable of implementing a digital asset management system for complex flows. Namely, our team assumed responsibility for an IT project that had been in progress for two years at that time.

Specifically, we developed an additional tool which integrated seamlessly with the existing complex automotive platform. The initiative was implemented from scratch by 10 specialists. Andersen initiated a Discovery phase followed by building an MVP and entering the post-MVP phase.


Before approaching our company, the customer set a truly ambitious goal. Their objective was to obtain a unified platform for content exchange with end clients. During the process, several challenges arose in a range of specific development aspects. In order to overcome them, the customer opted for outsourcing and entrusted their initiative to us.

Project overview

The main project goal was to engineer a web app that would provide a means for reviewing digital assets thoroughly and quickly. Hence delivering them to end clients was expected to become possible in a clear and efficient way.

The previous business flow involved numerous manual operations – for example, circling issues in Adobe Acrobat and sending these notes out via messenger apps.

In addition to that, the review processes couldn't be initiated and executed automatically. This factor imposed redundant communication routines on the customer's administrators, as they had to act as intermediaries between artists and end clients, going back and forth with each iteration of the review and updates.

Thus, the system enhancement initiative was primarily focused on making it easier to leave comments and spot mistakes by making clear comparisons of different versions of the design.

Besides, system notifications were expected to be helpful in speeding up the review process by eliminating the time lag in communication.

Duration4 months
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon Aurora


    • 1 BA
    • 1 UI/UX Designer
    • 1 PM
    • 1 Software Architect
    • 1 DevOps Engineer
    • 2 Back-end Developers
    • 2 Front-end Developers
    • 1 QA Engineer
Visual concept

App functionality

This is how the resulting example of digital asset management systems looks and is used:

  1. Authorization. Users log in and manage passwords.
  2. User management. User creation and management with Amazon Cognito.
  3. Project management. Admin creation and project management issues, i.e. assigning and un-assigning artists to and from projects.
  4. Deliverable record management. Generating deliverable records in the system, matching them with digital assets for content artifacts.
  5. Image uploading. Images are uploaded through a sync mechanism between internal and external storage, with differentiation for updated ones.
  6. Image management. Viewing images in different formats (thumbnail, list, full-scale), downloading, archiving, and unarchiving.
  7. Internal reviews. Internal review initiation, admin comments/approvals, artist responses, including image additions to comments.
  8. External reviews. Admin invitation of end clients for project review, client approvals, admin view of external review status, and responses to client comments.
  9. User profiles comply with GDPR, enabling client data deletion upon request and user settings management.

Next iterations (not implemented yet, but planned):

  1. Delivery. How the assets will be delivered after the review process;
  2. Notification. What notifications admins, internal users, and clients will get within the system;
  3. Reports, i.e. the capability to collect statistics on the time a client spends on reviews, the number of comments left, etc.


As a link between their end clients (i.e. vehicle manufacturers) and artists, the customer required a simple and efficient process for organizing the delivery and review of digital assets. The resulting new digital asset management system is a web app operated from PC workstations and laptops with an Internet connection.

This enables uploading digital assets, viewing with filtering and sorting options, internal and external reviews in rounds, and obtaining overview statistics of the review process. Unlike the previous system, which involved time-consuming and error-prone processes for reviewing digital assets and required artists to execute code to upload them, the new option is easy-to-use.

Wrapping up, the solution simplifies the process of digital asset upload, makes it possile to organize a transparent reviewing process by comparing different digital asset versions, and streamlines collaboration between artists and clients.

This is truly one of the best-in-class digital asset management examples in the modern tech landscape.

Project results

In order to ensure the achievement of all desired goals and the fulfillment of the agreed-upon requirements with a comprehensive and reliable solution, we created a new web-based platform from scratch. The platform is for admins, internal users, and clients, enabling a thorough and quick review of digital assets through a user-friendly, easy-to-use, and engaging interface (facilitating the identification of mistakes by enabling clear comparisons of different versions of the design).

The platform's structure includes:

  • A CMS system for admins to manage projects, deliverables, assets, and reviews;
  • A review tool for admins, internal users, and clients;
  • An uploading tool for internal users and admins for asset delivery into CMS and the review tool.

The web-based platform facilitates:

  • A simplified delivery process of assets;
  • A transparent process of asset reviewing;
  • Streamlined collaboration between artists and clients.

The digital asset management software was developed to be extendable so that the system could be used for all future endeavors of the customer.

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If needed, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level;

We submit a comprehensive project proposal with estimates, timelines, CVs, etc.

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